About Us
Strictly speaking, yoga means to yoke the mind and body together. At Mountain Pose Yoga, we also believe that yoga is about bringing people together in a community of practice. You don’t have to do it alone. Please reach out if you have questions or are nervous about starting a regular yoga practice. Yoga is for every body.

Our Story

When co-founder Edwin Lyngar started yoga he weighed 300 pounds and had trouble moving easily through the world. Determined to get healthy, Edwin took yoga at a local gym that began a transformation that led him to Nancy Wise who was teaching formerly at NOW yoga in the same space now occupied by Mountain Pose Yoga. They pair struck up a great friendship, based on community and the transformative power of yoga. The duo now offer this ancient practice to the public, to every person of every type of body in classes ranging from hardcore fitness vinyasas to beginner’s flow for those just staring out. We have special techniques for seniors and those with limited mobility. We offer all yoga for all people because Nancy and Edwin believe, with every fiber of their yoga souls, that the practice of yoga is for every body. Join us and find out what yoga can do for you.